We create,
curate & deliver

the ideal soft skills learning experience

Courses we offer

For your company

Personalized Offerings

Assessments & Assignments

On-demand courses

Live workshops

Personalized feedback

Activities and Games


Mode of Delivery



On-demand courses

Online live sessions



Personalized feedback

Talk to us


On-demand courses

Live workshops


Reference sheets


Personalized feedback



Talk to us


Offline workshops



Personalized feedback

Talk to us

On-demand courses by Mauka’s trainers,
Live workshops with Mauka certified trainers,
Activities and Games that will help compliment the concepts and keep the sessions fun
Reference sheets for quick and long term implementation
Worksheets contextualized for your company to practice
Personalized feedback for employees to grow and learn
Assessments to keep a track of the employee’s understanding of the concepts
Assignments to keep your employees engaged with the content after each concept

Why Mauka?

We are an ed-tech company that specializes in soft skills and can help transform the way you work

CPR Model:

While building a community of lifelong learners, we’ve derived that the best way to inculcate a new behavior is by following our 3 step model Consume, Practice and Reflect.


Partnering with us will give your team access to
- Mauka’s Tech platform,
- Live workshops and
- Added activities.

to elevate the learner’s experience.

Our content is crafted specifically for the skill of your choice. Each module covers the skill in depth which will help them learn more about the techniques to master the skill.


While consuming content is the first and an important step, for actionable change in behavior practice plays a major role.

This is where Mauka provides situational
-Assessments and

to help your team implement the concepts in their professional and personal setting.


Mauka will provide personalized feedback for each of your team members to help them
-Understand their strengths,
-Note their problem areas and
-Mention what actionable steps they can take to improve.

This model ensures a pathway to growth and unlock your team’s full potential.

Want learn more? Reach out to us

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